How A Payday Loan Can Save The Day When You're Really Sick


If you are suffering with some type of respiratory illness that will not go away, you might need to go to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The problem is that it is almost impossible to see a doctor and get the treatment you need if you do not have insurance or money to pay the bill upfront. In this situation, getting a payday loan can save the day for you.

19 June 2019

Can't Find The Time For The Money End Of Your Small Business? Tips That Can Help


Running your own small business, especially without any extra help from any employees, is hard work. Most days you cannot slow down to take care of all of the financial stuff involved with running a business. That can turn into a really ugly mess really fast. To make sure your business does not take a massive nosedive into the dumpster of nonexistence, here are small business accounting tips you can use to stay on top of things.

3 February 2019

Four Key Financial Things To Plan When You Have Multiple Sclerosis


Financial planning is difficult for most Americans even when times are good. But when you have a chronic and debilitating disease like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), it's exponentially more complex. Even with the challenges, planning for your and your family's future is vital after such a diagnosis. To help you get started, here are four key items you need to plan for the future. End-of-Life Care. While it's not pleasant to think about, individuals with MS need to decide what end-of-life care they want—and what they don't want.

14 November 2018

3 Tips To Save Money When Hiring A Pro To Do Your Taxes


Now that it's tax season, you could be thinking about meeting with a professional to have your taxes done. For many people, this is a better option than doing them yourself. However, you could be concerned about how much you are going to have to spend in order  to hire a professional. Luckily, following these tips can help you save money while ensuring that your taxes are done by someone who knows what he or she is doing.

13 March 2018

Want To Convert Your Structured Settlement To Cash? Here's What You Should Know


If you've received a personal injury settlement, won the lottery, or have another type of settlement that provides you with regular fixed income, you may be interested in trading these payouts for a lump sum of cash. There are a number of companies that will help you along in this process -- however, there are tax consequences and other financial considerations you'll need to ponder before pursuing this type of payout.

27 August 2014