Finished Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Tips On Increasing Credit Score And Buying A Home

Finance & Money Blog

If you have finished filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy your life will not go completely back to normal immediately. Even though the stress is off your back you have to wait for other things to catch up, such as your credit score and buying a new home. Below is more information about this so you will be ready for what comes ahead. Increase Your Credit Score Your bankruptcy will show on your credit report for 10 years.

8 November 2017

3 Things To Do To Save Money On Income Taxes

Finance & Money Blog

It's necessary to file your taxes on an annual basis to avoid being fined by the government. There are forms that must be completed, and the right amount of documentation must be provided. However, the first thing no your mind may involve how to reduce the volume of cash you have to pay to the Internal Revenue Service. This just means keeping more in your pocket when you do. Knowing some of the things you will need to do before filing your income taxes can be helpful to you:

20 September 2017

4 Things To Think About When Hiring A Company To Prepare And Manage Your Family Trust

Finance & Money Articles

Creating a family trust is an excellent way to keep your assets protected from creditors and to ensure that they are distributed to your loved ones as you intend them to be after you pass away. You'll need to find a reliable trust management company to prepare and execute your trust – here are a few important things to think about when comparing trust management companies and ultimately choosing one to work with:

6 January 2017